New Original Abstract Oil on Canvas Paintings

Updated on   by  Laurie Rubell
New Original Abstract Oil on Canvas Paintings - Laurie Rubell

Recently added Original Abstract Oil on Canvas Paintings,a mixture of New and older Artwork.Please see Paintings #29-35.

Many of the new paintings art are Diptychs(2 canvas) works. 


Why? My creative process!

So I use  Color,line and space and gravity

Because I think about beginnings and endings of any moment and that  exact moment of the beginning and the end.

Because I don't  use "Pre-stretched canvas and  no sketches were done.

I use a variety of different brushes and oil colors.How many?Over 50 different types and styles of brushes.

How many tubes of oil paint? Over  100 different tubes!This creates a moment in time.


Many photos have been updated to include more information,detail pictures and Artwork in Interior views.

I keep hearing about a Shortage of the Color Blue,happy to report that there is no shortage here.

New Original Abstract Oil on Canvas Paintings



Published on  Updated on   by  Laurie Rubell

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