Laurie Rubell Abstract oil paintings(Diptychs) Part 2

Laurie Rubell Abstract oil paintings(Diptychs) Part 2.
So Diptychs are 2 canvas paintings and I've been creating this unique artwork since mid- career.I started my career as an artist by painting large scale oil paintings that featured color,lines and shapes that fractured ,split or divided the canvas.Take a look at my paintings on my website and you will get the idea as I use bold line and color.
What would happen if instead of "fracturing" the one canvas I use 2 fractured(Separate) canvases to make one painting?Is this even possible?How can I make 2 separate canvases to create one painting?One complete original work of art?
Where did my explorations for 2 canvas abstract paintings originate?An unlikely source,black&white photography!
I was fascinated by these pictures that captured a split second in time.
For that reason I proceeded to alter that exact moment by changing the one picture into 2 or more pictures!
Why?My creative process!I took a single powerful image and turned it into a series of powerful images.
The attached picture shows an hand and arm on the left(with a strong illuminating light source.)
For instance,I cut this photo into 9 separate rectangles so now you look at each rectangle separately(Noticing the edges and how they “Connect” to the whole image.
In conclusion,the top photo is similar to the high contrast photo that I used( Except for the light fixture)
Why?Look at the finished artwork below.The White of the paper I used”Fills in”for the light source,more creativity.
Laurie Rubell Abstract oil paintings(Diptychs) Part 2